- Aeolus
- Anna Lea
- Anticlea
- Antinous
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- Armando Julian
- Athena
- Ayron Alexander
- Barbara Wangui
- Brandon McInnis
- Calypso
- Character: Cast List
- Charybdis
- Circe
- Dad and Jorge Build a Booth!
- Dangerous
- Deleted and Drafts
- Diana Rivera-Herrans
- Different Beast
- Done For
- EPIC: The Musical
- EPIC: The Musical Wiki
- Earle Gresham Jr.
- Elpenor
- Eurylochus
- Full Speed Ahead
- Get in the Water
- God Games
- Hephaestus
- Hera
- Hermes
- Hermes (and Jay)
- Hold Them Down
- I Can't Help But Wonder
- Ithaca
- Janani K. Jha
- Jorge Rivera-Herrans
- Just A Man
- KJ Burkhauser
- Keep Your Friends Close
- Kira Stone
- Legendary
- Little Wolf
- Love in Paradise
- Luck Runs Out
- Luke Holt
- Mason Olshavsky
- Miguel Veloso
- Mike Rivera
- Monster
- Mutiny
- My Goodbye
- No Longer You
- Not Sorry For Loving You
- Odysseus (character)
- Odysseus (song)
- Ogygia
- Open Arms
- Penelope
- Perimedes
- Polites
- Polyphemus (character)
- Polyphemus (song)
- Poseidon
- Puppeteer
- Remember Them
- Ruthlessness
- Scylla
- Scylla (song)
- Sirens
- Six Hundred Strike
- Steven Dookie
- Steven Rodriguez
- Storm
- Suffering
- Survive
- Talya Sindel
- Teagan Earley
- Telemachus
- The Challenge
- The Circe Saga
- The Cyclops Saga
- The Horse And The Infant
- The Ithaca Saga
- The Ocean Saga
- The Thunder Saga
- The Troy Saga
- The Underworld
- The Underworld Saga
- The Vengeance Saga
- The Wisdom Saga
- There Are Other Ways
- Thunder Bringer
- Tiresias
- Troy Doherty
- Wanda Herrans
- Warrior of the Mind
- We'll Be Fine
- Winions
- Would You Fall In Love With Me Again
- Wouldn't You Like
- Zeus