There Are Other Ways is the fourth and final song of The Circe Saga during which Circe agrees to help Odysseus find the prophet Tiresias in the Underworld who may be able to help him get home.
[CIRCE, ODYSSEUS] There is the line [ODYSSEUS, spoken] [ODYSSEUS] [CIRCE, spoken] [CIRCE] [ODYSSEUS, spoken] [CIRCE] [SOLDIERS] |
- This song is in D major and C minor, and has a 4/4 time signature.
- When Odysseus is trying to convince Circe to let him and his crew live, he states that he hasn’t seen Penelope in 12 years. However, at that point, he would’ve only been at sea for 10 years since he left Ithaca to fight in the Trojan War. [1]
- Jorge has pointed this mistake out and constantly makes fun of himself for it.
- Such a timeline does match up with Madeline Miller’s novel “Circe” in which Odysseus tells Circe that his crew had been at sea for two years after a decade of war.
- This miscalculation is referenced in Act 2, specifically in Different Beast and Get in the Water.